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All too often we read printed and web material that is less than inspiring. Perhaps there are infuriating spelling mistakes or typographical errors, or maybe the sentences are rambling and irrelevant. Often it’s nothing you can put your finger on, yet the text somehow fails to excite, to fire the imagination or to create a lasting impact.

Good writing should be magical to read. It should delight, captivate, inform and enthuse. It should jump off the page and sparkle with charisma. It should stand out from the crowd.

Callisto Connect’s editorial services can help your writing to do just that.

Whether you’re writing your debut novel, crafting a piece of content for your company website or preparing an annual report, you want your writing to be the best it can. Our editorial services provide everything from comprehensive, in-depth substantive editing to light proofreading to ensure that your words don’t let you down.

We provide three main types of service:

  • Substantive editing
  • Copyediting (line editing)
  • Proofreading

Substantive Editing

A comprehensive, in-depth service dealing with style and content, overall text structure and organisation, coherence, suitability for audience and purpose, presentation, pacing, logic, accuracy, language and vocabulary choice. Substantive editing is the most involved type of editing and involves the deletion, insertion, rewriting, rearrangement and shaping of sentences and entire sections of manuscript.

For more information, download our Substantive Editing Fiction Leaflet or our Substantive Editing Non-Fiction Leaflet here.

Copyediting (line editing)

A thorough edit to rearrange weak or poorly structured sentences, avoid unnecessary repetition, clichés or jargon, eliminate grammatical and factual errors, ensure correct word usage and improve the consistency, flow and readability of your text, whilst maintaining the unique voice of the author. Our copyediting service includes proofreading at no additional cost.


The finishing polish on your manuscript, proofreading is a final check to ensure your text contains no errors of any type, including grammar and punctuation, typos and spelling mistakes. Inconsistencies in font, capitalization and word spacing are corrected, as well as titles, headers, footers, captions and footnotes. We can work with any house style in either UK or US English.

We also provide book coaching, design and ebook services. Take a look around our site to find out what else we can offer you.

Get in Touch

If you have a specific project in mind or want to chat more about any of our services, please contact us today.
We’re always happy to help.